Error - Image turns to Black when mirroring then resizing

Klaus Major klaus at
Thu Nov 24 10:51:20 EST 2005

Hi Jason,

> Hi,
> Thanks Xavier for confirming the bug.

Looks like Windows only, works fine on a mac.
> The program I am developing has to allow the user the flexibility  
> to mirror
> the image then resize it whenever they choose.
> Does anybody know of a work around?

Yep, adjust this to your needs:

flip img "original" horizontal
create image
set the rect of last img to the rect of img "original"
## we need the same dimensions because we are
## using "the imagedata"!

set the imagedata of last img to the imagedata of img "original"
## happy resizing :-)

## Now you can hide or delete or do whatever with img "original"

Tested and works here on Win XP Home.

> Thanks again
> Jason


Klaus Major
klaus at

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