bitwise Operators

Alejandro Tejada capellan2000 at
Thu Nov 24 10:22:04 EST 2005

om Thu, 24 Nov 2005 
Sean Shao wrote:

> Due to the fact that the bitwise operators 
> in RunRev do not work on signed integers, 
> nor do they have shiftLeft and shiftRight, 
> I decided to write my own, so here they are.. 

Many Thanks, Sean. :-)

> I'll put them on my website another day.. 
> As always, these are released 
> into the Public Domain.. 

This is great, but when i use your handlers,
i'll include your name and website in 
your code like this:

function bitwiseAnd p1, p2  -- in other languages  ( 9
& 2 )
-- By Sean Shao, (and name of your website)

> Any questions, comments, suggestions 
> feel free to email me..

You are using this code in the SHA-1 algorithm, Right?

i'm working in a md4digest handler for 
implementing a rSync client in RunRev.
Hope that it'll be fast enough to be usable.

Thanks again for sharing your work!


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