Binary String to Enable Objects

Eric Chatonet eric.chatonet at
Sat Nov 19 06:56:41 EST 2005

Hello X,

The best way (for me :-) should be to set the altIDs of the 32  
controls in reference to the binary list (or use the IDs directly if  
they match the right sequence):
Then, for instance, if IDs (or altIDs) are 2001 to 2032:

local tBinStr -- your binary string
lock screen
repeat with i = 1 to 32
   set the enabled of control ID (i + 2000) to (item i of tBinStr = 1)
end repeat
unlock screen

Hope this helps.

Le 19 nov. 05 à 12:33, Camm29 a écrit :

> I have a Binary String say "00001100101011011100101010101010"
> I then wish to enable or disable upto 32 Objects depending on "0"  
> or "1" of the String.
> Each bit being alloacated to a a different Object.
> Is there an easy way !

Best Regards from Paris,

Eric Chatonet.
So Smart Software

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