message primer

Erik Hansen erikhans08 at
Sun Nov 6 22:58:16 EST 2005

--- Andre Garzia <soapdog at> wrote:

> a very useful resource for understanding the
> message path, is the
> primer made by Dar Scott, I think it's the best
> resource ever. By
> carefully planning where your code goes, you
> can save a lot of
> coding. As time goes, you'll begin to develop
> your own style. There
> are coders here that make heavy use of
> libraries, others will insert
> all on stackscript and just hook the UI to it,
> others will make so
> many twists in the message path that their code
> will resemble a tight
> chain of whispers. The cool thing of Transcript
> is that it allows you
> to adapt Rev for your tastes and not the other
> way arround.
> There's a scripting style guide that is used by
> many here that tells
> about how to prefix variables and stuff like
> that. Also the
> RevInterop group makes a nice guide that allows
> our stacks to
> interoperate in a sane way.
> I remember when I first saw the message primer,
> before reading it,
> someone said: "in the end, you'll love the
> message path", and yes, I
> do love it.

agreed, although i haven't absorbrf the
advanced chapters. i like the use of
graphics to illustrate points.

> a tight chain of whispers
is quite a concept.

ERik Hansen

erik at

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