2 question help
Ken Ray
kray at sonsothunder.com
Thu Nov 3 21:48:13 EST 2005
On 11/3/05 5:38 AM, "Paul" <PS1 at SoftSeven.org> wrote:
> Dear RunRev Programmers,
> I have 2 questions.
> 1) How to I make a link to browse the cd drive.
> This is for a cd that installs but some files do
> not get transferred to the hard drive, it's rep
> files that the rep has access to but the end user
> has no need for them. I like an easy way for the rep to access them.
Here's Trevor's code that he posted to this list about a year ago (which was
a modified and enhanced form of some code I'd started):
* Opens a folder on the desktop. (Modified from Ken Ray's example)
* @param pPath Path to folder to open.
on libSys_OpenFolder pPath
switch (the platform)
case "Win32"
replace "/" with "\" in pPath
set the hideConsoleWindows to true
get shell("explorer.exe /root,"& quote & pPath & quote)
case "MacOS"
if the systemVersion >= 10 then
get shell("open " & quote & pPath & quote)
put "tell application " & quote & "Finder" & quote & cr & \
"activate" & cr & \
"open folder " & quote & revMacFromUnixPath(pPath) & quote & cr & \
"end tell" into tScript
do tScript as "AppleScript"
end if
end switch
end libSys_OpenFolder
> 2) I had to format my hard drive the other day
> due to a worm, boy would I like the person that
> programmed this worm, well any way I had a
> program that was a db as such for programmers.
> You could save programming codes/functions and
> search for them then copy & paste in your
> application as needed. I have looked for this
> program, I thought it was made in Revolutation.
> Anyone know about this program and where I can get it from?
Yes, Scripter's Scrapbook, available at http://www.flexiblelearning.com.
Ken Ray
Sons of Thunder Software
Web site: http://www.sonsothunder.com/
Email: kray at sonsothunder.com
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