More efficent checking of multiple objects

Rob Cozens rcozens at
Tue Nov 1 10:22:52 EST 2005

Dear Jan,

>I use a repeat with T=1 to (the number of buttons of group "Timeline")
>because I need to reorganize all the other buttons if the user moves just 
>one of them.
>In the future the user can have up to 1000 of these buttons in the 
>timeline. At this point I guess the repeat loop will be very slow.
>Is there a more efficient method I can use here?

If the user eliminates or changes button x, is there any need to adjust 
buttons 1 through (x-1)?  If not, you can start T=X to (the number of 
buttons of group "Timeline".  It won't help much if the target is button 1; 
but it should help lots if the target is button 999.

If the relationship of the buttons is different such that action on button 
x can require changes to buttons 1 to (x-1), I'd need to know more to offer 
further suggestions.

Rob Cozens, CCW
Serendipity Software Company

Vive R Revolution! 

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