Web Pages in a Field

Klaus Major klaus at major-k.de
Thu May 26 09:50:49 EDT 2005

Hi Thomas,

> Guys, here is a sample of what I get:
>                                                       h4  
> {position:absolute;left: -976em !important}          .navicon  
> {             background-repeat:no-repeat;             background- 
> position:2px 8px;             padding-left:14px ! 
> important;         }                  #navarrow  
> {             background-image:url(/udm-resources/ 
> sony_right_arrow.gif) !important;         }                   
> #navarrow:hover, #navarrow:focus, #navarrow:visited:hover,  
> #navarrow.udmR, #navarrow.udmR:visited, #navarrow:active  
> {             background-image:url(/udm-resources/ 
> sony_down_arrow.gif) !important;         }                   
> #clarify {position:absolute;left: -972em !important}            
> 0&&parent.frames.length) {     d=parent.frames[n.substring(p 
> +1)].document; n=n.substring(0,p);}   if(!(x=d[n])&&d.all) x=d.all 
> [n]; for (i=0;!x&&i                        -->SEARCH:        "); }  
> else {     document.write(" HOME"); } //-->        -->
> I am guessing that these web pages are filled with things that get  
> URL can't display. It has not crashed on me (yet) but nothing but  
> garbage is displayed.

this indicates that you are just:

get URL("http://www.server.com/folder/page.html")
put it into fld xyz

Or something like this...
But that will put the html sourcecode of the URL (garbage :-) into  
your field!

You should do this:

set the htmltext of fld xyz to URL("http://www.server.com/folder/ 

> Any sample stacks that do display actual pages in a field.

No sample stack needed, just the line above :-)
Please try it out, but rember that "the htmltext" in Rev does only  
support a
small "subset" of HTML.

> Tom
> Thomas J. McGrath III
> 1000 Killarney Dr.
> Pittsburgh, PA 15234
> 412-885-8541


Klaus Major
klaus at major-k.de

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