VideoGrabber on Windows XP

James Richards jamesjrichards at
Thu May 26 06:04:05 EDT 2005

Hi Ben,

If Windows is all you want to program for and Synopsis is your 
preferred tool then Revolution may not be the tool for you.  It is a 
very powerful and flexible cross-platform RAD tool and I believe that 
if you are able to stick with it through the frustration belt (which is 
not uncommon among new users) you will find it amply rewards your 
persistence (even for Windows only programming).  This list is 
incredibly friendly and helpful, and there is also loads of pre-made 
stuff to be found on RunRev's website and elsewhere which people are 
willing to share freely.

It can also be very helpful to search the archives of this list here (which is 
shown at the head of the digest version of the list but I don't know if 
it appears on messages for those who receive them individually).

Searching for 'clock' produced helpful threads in the archive and even 
a couple of complete code examples and downloadable utilities. 
(Although a little persistence may be needed where a location on a 
website has occurred since the information was posted.)


James J Richards


Tel. +44 (0)15394 43063

On 26 May, 2005, at 16:28:43 -0400,  Vjstbenz wrote:

> Hello,
> thanks for your advice..
> yes...i already know how to use dll files ...
> some-body pointed out the Windows Unix Mac thing...but it aint an 
> issue for me....just need know...
> Synopsis is actually very powerfull really....

> like you say...i may be getting frystrated with...Rev...

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