Help on usage of send or call

MisterX b.xavier at
Sun May 8 02:09:18 EDT 2005

 On Behalf Of Dar Scott

> On May 7, 2005, at 10:53 PM, MisterX wrote:

> I think you just hit on an interesting area of research:  
> motivating code.

Here's a preview of my php library stack... you get the idea...

-- TAOO sub-Libs

function arrayToList array
  put the keys of arr into alist
  repeat for each line l in alist
    put array[l] & cr after outlist
  end repeat
  delete last char of outlist
  return outlist
end arrayToList

-- php compatibility layer

-- callback functions that are not included
-- array_diff_uassoc
-- array_diff_ukey

function array_change_key_case arr, caz
  put the keys of arr into arrk
  if arrk is empty then return arr
  switch caz
  case "lower"
  case "CASE_LOWER"
    put tolower(arr[l]) into arr[l]
  case "upper"
  case "CASE_UPPER"
    repeat for each line l in arrk
      put toupper(arr[l]) into arr[l]
    end repeat
  case "title"
  case "each word"
    repeat for each line l in arrk
      get arr[l]
      repeat with x = 1 to the number of words in it
        put toupper(char 1 of word x of it) into char 1 of word x of it
      end repeat
      put it into arr[l]
    end repeat
  end switch
  return arr
end array_change_key_case

function array_chunk input_array, achunk
  return input_array[achunk]
end array_chunk

function array_combine array1, array2
  repeat with x = 1 to the number of items in array1
    put item x of array2 into outarray[item x of array1] 
  end repeat
  return outarray
end array_combine

function array_count_values array1
  get the keys of array1
  replace comma with cr in it
  return the number of lines in it
end array_count_values

function array_diff_assoc array1, array2
  put the keys of array1 into array1_items
  put arrayToList(array2) into alist2
  repeat for each line l in array1_items
    get array1[l] 
    if l is not among the lines of alist2 then
      put it into outarray[l]
    end if
  end repeat
  return outarray
end array_diff_assoc

function array_diff_key array1, array2
  put the keys of array1 into alist1
  put the keys of array2 into alist2
  repeat for each line l in alist1
    if l is not among the lines of alist2 then
      put l & cr after outlist
    end if
  end repeat
  delete last char of outlist
  return outlist
end array_diff_key

fuction array_diff

and hundreds to come...

Porting a script from PHP or using PHP's facilities in Rev just got

Same for Python... 

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