Rev and Photoshop

Sivakatirswami katir at
Wed May 4 23:56:45 EDT 2005

Does anyone know of a way to get Revolution to read and write to Adobe 
Photoshop's per image metadata?

real world scenario:  our photographer in Nepal (world famous, doesn't 
just work for us) Thomas Kelly... we just sent him on assignment to Sri 
Lanka. He's back now and has a kaJillion digital images that he wants 
to caption inside PhotoShop. Opening the file info for each one of 
these in Photoshop is a "killer" process. I tried to have our managing 
editor consider having the metadata as a separate fooPhoto.psd 
/fooPhoto.txt document pair,  for which I have many Rev apps that can 
easily preview thumbnailis and allow for data entry very quickly. And 
though one can see lot's of advantages of having this data as a 
separate file... the concept of the caption being part of the photo 
file itself seems to be "ingrained" as the only way to go...

Himalayan Academy Publications
at Kauai's Hindu Monastery
katir at,

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