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graham samuel
graham.samuel at
Thu Mar 31 16:11:54 EST 2005
On Thu, 31 Mar 2005 13:16:10 -0600, Ken Ray <kray at>
> On 3/31/05 1:05 PM, "graham samuel" <graham.samuel at> wrote:
>> I'm developing some simple printing routines using RR 2.5.1 and OSX
>> 10.3.8. I have a little Epson inkjet printer that works very happily
>> with all my purchased apps such as word processors, graphic programs
>> etc. But with Rev I'm having a bad time.
>> 1. I arranged for the initialisation routine in my app to read the
>> paper size and the margins and to make my stack the same size as the
>> printPaperSize and my print area the same size as the page minus the
>> margins. I then attempted to construct something to print. The card to
>> be printed looks perfectly OK, but the printer doubles the left margin
>> from the absurdly large 72 points (more later) to a completely daft
>> 144
>> points - at least it looks that way. This shows up even on the OSX
>> preview, and even when I propose to print on a different printer,
>> which
>> makes me think it must be me, except for the screen appearance and
>> dimensions of the card to be printed, which look OK. For example, the
>> left hand edge of the field to be printed is definitely 72 pixels from
>> the edge of the card, and the card is definitely 594 pixels wide,
>> which
>> corresponds to the width of an A4 page. I just can't guess what I'm
>> doing wrong.
> Check out the printMargins property (among other "print-" properties).
> Perhaps if you set the printMargins to 0,0,0,0 you'd get closer to what
> you're looking for? The default is 72,72,72,72 (1 inch on all sides).
Well, I did that - I was already using the printMargins settings (72
all round) to calculate where on the card to put the field that
contains the print content, but at your suggestion at the last minute,
just before the actual print statement, I set them to all 0s without
going back and altering the position of the field. The result was (to
me) extremely strange: the printing worked properly, in that each
margin was now 1 inch (72 pixels). This also included the top and
bottom margins. In reality my particular printer won't print on the
whole paper surface, so margins of zero are meaningless. Thus I'm at a
loss to understand why it worked. Eventually I'll try it on the PC and
see if the thing behaves differently.
Thanks very much for the advice - I just wish I understood why it
worked. It seems to me pretty much like a bug in RR.
Graham Samuel / The Living Fossil Co. / UK and France
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