Quicktime with Rev

Klaus Major klaus at major-k.de
Thu Mar 31 11:18:18 EST 2005

Hi Trevor,

> On Mar 31, 2005, at 7:28 AM, Klaus Major wrote:
>> Aha!
>> Now the big question: Bug or feature?
>> If bug: Rev or OS X bug?
> It isn't necessarily a bug.  Revolution uses the old method of opening 
> files with the QuickTime API which uses the FSSpec.  This has file 
> name as well as path name length limitations (255 for the full path).  
> As of QT 6.4 (I think) QuickTime added new calls that open movies that 
> can have unicode names, etc.

Thanks for this info!

> Eventually Rev needs to add support for using the newer calls when 
> QuickTime supports it.

Sounds like an EXCELLENT idea!

BTW, are the problems with Umlauts and accents in filenames COMPLETELY 
gone now on OS X?
Any info is very appreciated.

> Trevor DeVore
> Blue Mango Multimedia
> trevor at mangomultimedia.com


Klaus Major
klaus at major-k.de

## If you want to position the controller along the side rather than 
the bottom
## of the movie then it is possible using the QT API but I haven't put 
it in the external.

This one does sound very interesting, too :-)

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