is metal look and feel broken?

Howard Bornstein howard.bornstein at
Sun Mar 27 21:50:44 EST 2005

On Sun, 27 Mar 2005 20:20:47 -0300, Andre Garzia <soapdog at> wrote:
> Hi folks,
> I have an app here that is working fine with metal look and feel, but
> when I build the standalone it puts a big white background inside the
> card background, like metal borders, white content, as if it looses the
> metal for the card. I checked, the card background is empty, buffer
> display is true... any clue out there?
> this is MacOS X 10.3.4 and Rev 2.5.1 (by the way, check update says 2.5
> is current... silly thing) I also checked with plain 2.5 and it didn't
> work either...
> Andre

It's not clear from your message whether the white background is on
your standalone or just in the IDE. I have the same thing when I build
a standalone--but the white background only appears in the IDE. The
standalone metal looks as it should. I can bring back the metal look
in the IDE by doing something like clicking the resizable button on
the stack propery palette.

I know the metal look has had problems in the past. So far I haven't
seen anything other than this IDE cosmetic glitch.


Howard Bornstein

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