Columns and Internal Option Menus

Cubist at Cubist at
Thu Mar 24 18:26:41 EST 2005

sez transcom at
>1.  COLUMNS:   I have three elements - Primary, Secondary and Task.   I
>already got it to sort on the Primary.  I can then set up a button for the
>Secondary aswell. How do I send them items to a nice even scrolling field of
>three columns?  In that way, I suppose, I can sort on each column or set
>up a sort order. 
   One possibility would be to make it *one* field, with tab stops at the 
proper positions, and have your data separated by tabs. Like so:


   When you want to sort by whichever column, this code should suffice:

on SortIt ThisCol
  set the itemDelimiter to tab
  sort lines of field "My data" by item ThisCol of each
end SortIt

>2.  INTERNAL BUTTON:  Once a person makes a choice in the Primary field
>(which is to establish Priorities using "A","B" and "C")  and it is sent to
>a list, I've seen where these Lists have the choice listed, but also access
>to an option Menu within the List.    So that if a priority changes, they
>can go into this List, hilite the Primary choice and change the ABC to
>whatever they want.  In effect, it's an Option Menu within the List.
   You could have an option menu (which is really just another button, as far 
as Rev is concerned) which is normally hidden, but can be moved around and 
shown as you like.
   Hope this helps...

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