[ANN]Tao of RunRev, RunRev Wishlist, and RunRev Documentation Projects

Andre Garzia soapdog at mac.com
Thu Mar 24 13:18:12 EST 2005


since you're so into blogging let me give you some entries and a offer. 
You're hosting your blogs in BlogSpot which is a Blogger API solution. 
You can post to your blog using any Blogger API 1.0, Blogger API 2.0 
and ATOM client. I created about 3 of this clients in Rev, so you can 
pick one of my clients and post to your blog from inside the Rev IDE. I 
think that a Blog named Tao of Rev should (must!) use a client made in 
Rev to do your posts! :D not that silly as hell DHTML interface that 
Blogger provides. My BRP client is free and you'll be able to probe the 
source code to learn how Blogger works.

The BRP project is on RevOnline under my username 'soapdog', I have 
richer clients here, BRP is a simple one that anyone can grok and 
fiddle. All them freeware with source.

I have a bigger one though which is to become my flagship product very 
very soon, you can check it here 

Now the offer, I really hate the ads in BlogSpot. If you want, I can 
host your blogs in WeCode.org, I can host all your blogs and give you 
FTP access to your account. Also we have libCGI and Rev installed in 
here, so all kinds of Rev stunts are available for us.

cheers and congratulations

On Mar 22, 2005, at 2:32 PM, Mikey wrote:

> As sort of a curiosity I started some blogs on blogger.com last week.
> After playing with it, I decided to start three projects:
> The Tao of RunRev (taoOfRunRev.blogspot.com), designed to document
> quirks, exceptions, etc. in RR that people might not otherwise be
> aware of
> RunRev Wishlist (rrwishlist.blogspot.com), and
> RunRev Documentation Project (runrevdocs.blogspot.com), which I might
> abandon if I can ever track down the parallel RunRev documentation
> project that was started on Yahoo, if it has legs.
> The beauty of these projects is that it can be both a user-community
> project and yet controlled so that outsiders are not able to pollute
> it.
> I am asking for the following:
> 1) People with stuff to contribute to these projects
> 2) People to assist in improving the blogs in a more general way (i.e.
> from a higher level, look & feel, etc.)
> If you're interested, please email me right here.  In the meantime,
> the Tao project is the only thing that I've actually posted anything
> to yet.
> Thanks!
> Mike.
> -- 
> On the first day, God created the heavens and the Earth
> On the second day, God created the oceans.
> On the third day, God put the animals on hold for a few hours,
>    and did a little diving.
> And God said, "This is good."
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Andre Alves Garzia ð 2004 ð BRAZIL

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