Characters in names

Ken Ray kray at
Sun Mar 20 20:38:07 EST 2005

On 3/20/05 6:59 PM, "Alex Tweedly" <alex at> wrote:

> Graham Samuel wrote:
>> I can't find a list in the RR docs of legal characters for variable
>> names. Obviously letters of the alphabet (at least the ascii version)
>> and the numerals are OK, plus hyphen and underscore - but what else?
>> Clearly no character used as an operator, like \ or +, can be legal,
>> but maybe some others are: for example is period (full stop to me)
>> permitted? If I've missed a complete list, can someone please point
>> me  at it?
> Don't think there is one - that would be too close to a reference
> definition of part of the language.

I doin't know about variable names, but you can have these chars in
*handler* names:

  ? (question mark)
  ` (backquote)
  _ (underscore)
  @ (at-sign)
  # (pound sign)
  $ (dollar sign)
  '  (single quote)

So you can do this:

 on DoIt?
  answer "Hello"
 end DoIt?


 on Cash$Check
  -- cash check
 end Cash$Check

However as many have said, RunRev may use these special chars in the future
so I generally avoid everything but the underscore.

Ken Ray
Sons of Thunder Software
Web site:
Email: kray at

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