Getting a *standalone* to read & write to/from text file?

Sarah Reichelt sarahr at
Wed Mar 16 18:06:42 EST 2005

Hi Steve,

A few of things for you to try:
1. Forget the path stuff and just let the app put the file in the 
default folder. In the IDE this will be the Revolution folder, but in a 
standalone, it will be the standalone's folder.
2. Make sure you have the answer dialog as part of your standalone, 
then put answer commands everywhere so you can find out exactly which 
line is causing the problem.
3. Get it to tell you the contents of field "generic" before writing to 
the file - maybe it can't find the field.
4. When building the standalone, turn on the bug reporting and set it 
to send an email on error. When an error occurs, it will throw up a 
dialog asking if you want to send an error report. Click yes and then 
read the error in the email that is created - you don't actually have 
to send it.


> What's in here that is so hostile?
> ----------------------------------------------------------------
> put the filename of this stack into MyPathWay
>   repeat until the last char of myPathWay is "/"
>     delete last char of MyPathWay
>   end repeat
>   put myPathWay & "TJsettings.txt" into MyPathWay
>   ----------------
>   if there is a file myPathWay then
>     answer myPathway ----- just a debugging attempt--  DELETE 
> LATER-----------
>     put URL ("file:" & myPathWay) into TheSettings
>   else
>     put "1. CURRENT SETTINGS as of " & the long date &  " - " & the 
> long time & return & fld "generic" into URL ("file:" & myPathWay)
>     put URL ("file:" & myPathWay) into TheSettings
>   end if

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