tab stops and printing

Cubist at Cubist at
Tue Mar 15 07:09:05 EST 2005

sez karen at
>set the tabStops of field "PrintLayout" to 160,220,290,360,430,500
   One thing you may want to know about the tabStops property is that it 
*implicitly* provides for an *infinite* number of tab stops in a field. After the 
N tab stops you specify, it takes the difference between your N-1st and Nth 
tab stops, and uses that number to determine where the N+1st, N+2nd, etc, tab 
stops are. In your case, with most of your tab stops being 70 different from 
each other, you can get away with this:

  set the tabStops of field "PrintLayout" to "160,220,290"

   Hope this helps...

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