Problems placed grouped groups

Robert Brenstein rjb at
Tue Mar 15 05:18:48 EST 2005

>On 3/14/05 9:12 PM, "Robert Brenstein" <rjb at> wrote:
>>>  On 3/14/05 6:38 PM, "Robert Brenstein" <rjb at> wrote:
>>>>   What is the logic of having a background within a background? Is this
>>>>   supported? What would be the message passing?
>>>  Well, technically speaking, having a "background" (i.e. a  group with
>>>  backgroundBehavior=true) inside another "background" *is* supported, but it
>>>  doesn't gain you anything... the embedded group would be shared along with
>>>  like the main group regardless of the embedded group's backgroundBehavior
>>>  property.
>>>  Message passing would be:
>>>    objects in embedded group -> embedded group -> main group -> card
>>  What about messages sent to objects in parent group and objects on card?
>Those would bypass the objects in the embedded group and the embedded group
>itself. Messages sent to the parent group (what I called the "main group")
>would be:
>   (message) -> main group -> card
>Ken Ray

Ken, aren't you thinking of normal groups? Isn't it normally the 
other way around that background (bg group) gets messages after the 
card? Wouldn't it follow that in both cases the sub-background should 
get them all? But then should it get them also when message was sent 
to another background?


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