Newbee mistake - lost resize

kevin at kevin at
Fri Mar 11 06:12:05 EST 2005

I'm a newbee, this is my first posting and I've made the silly mistake of
not backing up regularly enough. I'm working on a stack (PC) that uses
altBrowser and I've lost the ability to resize the stack.
The stack inspector reports that it's resizable and it's still possible to
maximize the stack but i can no longer resize by draging a side or corner.
I've tried unsetting and resetting to no avail. It appears that the problem
may have occured when I switched on metal though I can't be sure.
I have a much earlier copy of the stack which I could use but ther's a fair
amount of work to do to get it up to date - can anyone out there see an
obvious mistake and save me a bit of time?
Kevin Stallibrass

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