sorting by date senile?

xbury.cs at xbury.cs at
Wed Mar 9 12:14:05 EST 2005

Thanks Hugh!

I'll see what's easiest... Im just pounding a statistic analysis and this 
date problem
really threw teh curve ball on me! 

Thanks for the function! I'd rather keep the standard routines though (i 
have lots of 
calculations for those already), and we only have files from this and the 
last century
fortunately. However for some bizareness we have some that are dated 
before the
computer age which is quite fantastic to say the least! ;))


On 09.03.2005 18:01:03 use-revolution-bounces wrote:
>> convert "01/03/1937" to dateitems
>> I got invalid date  ;(
>> Maybe we should switch to stardate ;))
>I can't offer Stardate to you, but Julian dates handle the number of days
>since noon 4713 BC January 1. These were posted by 
_joel.guillod at net2000.ch_
>(mailto:joel.guillod at  on 16 Apr  2004 and may provide you 
with the
>tools... At least they avoid the 'invalid  date' syndrome!
>/*  date.julian return the julian count, i.e. days since 24.11.-4713
>@param d is  the day
>@param m is the month
>@param y is the year
>@returns is the  julian count
>function date.julian d,m,y
>return  (1461*(y+4800+(m-14) div 12)) div 4+(367*(m-2-12*((m-14) div 
>div  12-(3*((y+4900.0+(m-14) div 12) div 100)) div 4+d-32075
>end  date.julian
>answer date.julian 13,11,2001
>/* get date.julian2DayOfWeek(aJulian)
>@purpose Returns the day of  the week according to: 1..7 for 
>@param aJulian is the julian  number.
>function date.julian2DayOfWeek aJulian
>--    // returns 1..7 for Sunday..Saturday
>return  (aJulian+1) mod 7 + 1
>end date.julian2DayOfWeek
>answer date.julian2DayOfWeek 2452227
>/* date.julian2DMY aJulian, at d, at m, at y
>@purpose Set the day, month year  according to the julian date aJulian.
>on date.julian2DMY  aJulian, at d, at m, at y
>put aJulian + 68569.0 into l
>put ( 4 * l  )  div  146097.0 into n
>put l - ( 146097.0 * n + 3 )   div  4 into l
>put ( 4000.0 * ( l + 1 ) )  div   1461001.0  into i -- (that's 1,461,001)
>put l - ( 1461 * i  )  div  4 + 31 into l
>put ( 80 * l )  div  2447.0  into j
>put l - ( 2447.0 * j )  div  80 into d --  day
>put j  div  11 into l
>put j + 2 - ( 12 * l )  into m -- month
>put 100 * ( n - 49 ) + i + l into y -- year
>end  date.julian2DMY
>date.julian2DMY 2452227,d,m,y
>answer d,m,y
>Hugh Senior
>The Flexible Learning Company
>Web: _www.FlexibleLearning.com_ (
>E: _h at flexiblelearning.com_ (mailto:h at
>T/F:  +44(0)1483.27 87 27
>use-revolution mailing list
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