Own fontsuite with standalone ?

Kresten Bjerg kresten.bjerg at psy.ku.dk
Wed Mar 9 08:38:00 EST 2005

Hi all
Happy to understand that my project may have a future. But I am too 
ignorant to proceed from the replies. Dont even understand where to find 
"Revolution/components/Global environment".
I understand that I may have to put a "Set the externals of stack 
"mysubstack" (or "my mainstack"???) to file "xfont" in folder "my fonts"
Will that include this resource in my standalone, when I produce it ?
And if it gets included how can I script a handler, which, first time 
the standalone is opened, will place one - or in fact 14 - fonts in the 
appropriate functioning font folder of that users computer
(There will of courset be a macversion of the fonts for macstandalones, 
and a winversion of the fonts for winstandalones.)
I guess the scripting to install them should be different for 
macstandalone and winstandalone.
But as soon as they are installed, the standalones should of course not 
try to install them again.
Will there have to be a dialog,  when installation starts ? I guess it 
would be unethical not to ask for acceptance, But can we avoid, that lay 
users will have to define the paths to the computers working font-folder ?



Refer please to "Oikos Homestation" <http://www.psy.ku.dk/bjerg> for 
further information


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