Alternating stripes in fields

Monte Goulding monte at
Tue Mar 8 19:47:48 EST 2005

>> Ah yes... I worked this out once. You need a series of patterns that
>> you set as the user scrolls. The number of images depends on the line 
>> height of your field. From memory you need the line height X 2 images. 
>> You will need to fix the line height then create your images. In 
>> Photoshop or some other image editor create a an image that is 4 lines 
>> high. Draw your lines then resize the canvas to the bottom two lines. 
>> Repeat the following:
>> - save the image
>> - shift the image down 1 pixel
>> Until you have completed the cycle.
>> Then you import the images into rev. They need names that include their 
>> number starting with 0. Something line "lines0","lines1" etc.
>> In the field you need a script that does this:
>> on scrollBarDrag
>>   set the backPattern of me to the id of image \
>>      ("lines"&the vScroll of me mod (the lineHeight of me *2))
>> end scrollBarDrag
> I tried this solution too, Monte :-) It's problem was that the height & 
> width of the backgroundPattern image must be a factor of 8. I needed to do 
> this for a field with a textHeight of 18, so there was no way to get your 
> idea to work, although it was really good for fields with a textHeight of 
> 16.

Hmm... The docs do say that for windows you need patters divisible by 8 but 
I just tried one that wasn't and it worked fine. Maybe this isn't an issue 



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