Alternating stripes in fields

Malte Brill revolution at
Tue Mar 8 19:21:50 EST 2005

Hi Sarah,

 >There have been seveal attempts to emulate iTunes-like alternating
 >stripes as backgrounds for scrolling fields in Revolution. I started
 >with a stack posted by Malte Brill (Thanks Malte) and made some


Kewl! Thanks for posting this. Your version is far more elegant then 
mine. Maybe we could work out a (setprop) handler that creates the 
groups on the fly?

Sims wrote:

 >Set the fill of the scrolling field to that imported image.

But these stripes wouldn´t scroll with the text, would they?
Last time I tried this the backgroundPattern it didn´t scroll with the 
text but was static...

Jonathan Lynch wrote:

 >With that, there would be no need for any scripting to keep the
 >background synched up with the line - when you scroll the group, it
 >would all be automatic.

I´m not sure if I understand that correctly...
Do you mean one field for each line of text?

The good thing about Sarah´s solution is that the text length is 
variable and the text can be changed on the fly without the need of 
setting up a new group if the text changes.



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