[ANN] Property List Table version 4.1

Dennis Brown see3d at writeme.com
Tue Jun 28 14:09:42 EDT 2005


Properties of Objects Version 4.1 is a quick reference guide for both  
showing which built-in properties are returned by the "properties"  
property for each type of object and quickly indexing into the  
Revolution Transcript Dictionary stack to display the definitions.   
You can download it from my RevOnline user area (see3d).  It was  
pointed out to me that it should contain a help file, so now it has one.

V4.1 now includes an about and help screen.

I should also point out the the "properties" property does not  
include every possible property for an object, just the important  
ones that are required to define the object (i.e., to make a clone).   
It does not include properties that are extracted or covered other  
properties (e.g., top is extracted from rectangle).  I have toyed  
with the possibility of making a Properties of Transcript stack that  
includes every property in the dictionary including globals.  It is  
just a matter of creating the data for the custom property in the  
stack, but the list of properties is so large that without a way to  
organize them in meaningful groups, I'm afraid the utility of this  
simple stack would be lost.  Doing all that would be a much larger  
undertaking.  However, Jerry Daniels is doing such great things with  
his Gadget series of tools, that I am inclined to see how far he  
takes these ideas for Constellation before doing more on them myself.


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