No entry in Window's task bar

Marielle Lange M.Lange at
Wed Jun 22 13:54:21 EDT 2005

> Should I bugzilla this?  It makes it hard to make a multi-media
> application that plays nice in Windows.

>What I have done for my graphic stacks is to have a main stack that is
>the startup/splash stack with a title bar with the other windows as
>substacks of this main stack and then when the splash stack (which is
>in the task bar) is brought to the front have a script hide it 'and'
>bring the appropriate substacks to the front.

>That should do the trick.

Hi Tom,

Yes, it does the trick neatly. I ran into a similar problem with the teacher
manual ( and solved it as you suggest (but kept had
the mainstack initially visible as I used it to ask for a user name, to be used
later on in the demos).


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