Problems with Rev and Apple's Bluetooth wireless keyboard (??)

Howard Bornstein howard.bornstein at
Fri Jun 10 16:08:39 EDT 2005

On 6/10/05, Scott Rossi <scott at> wrote:

> I empathize with you.  Did you try investigating rawKeyDown to see if *any*
> messages are sent?  Hopefully you will find a workaround.

Per the TD for rawkeydown: 

"On Mac OS systems, no message is sent when a modifier key (Shift,
Option, Control, or Command) is pressed, unless another key is pressed
along with the modifier key."

When I press another key, of course, the shiftkey works as expected (SEE!)

> I recently endured some significant headaches (and subsequent embarrassment)
> from a client demo that refused to work on Windows.  Had to get everything
> working on a Mac at the last minute and apologize to the client for the
> apparent lack of functionality in Rev.  After many hours of testing/hair
> pulling, the issue turned out to be a malfunctioning keyboard that I only
> thought to check on a whim, after much help from this list.

I remember that. Ugh.

> When faced with issues like these, the "Reasons You're A Software Developer"
> offer little comfort.  It just goes to show that whatever you build will
> *never* work on every system out there and there is no substitute for, as
> Klaus Major says, "Test, test, test".

Agreed. It was lucky I found this by accident. Maybe I'll find the
solution by accident also. :-)


Howard Bornstein

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