dump newbie image questiosn

Jon jbondy at sover.net
Mon Jun 6 15:32:55 EDT 2005

Look for "JJJ>"

Mark Wieder wrote:

>Monday, June 6, 2005, 4:37:42 AM, you wrote:
>J> I have no interest in writing DLLs for every platform.  The whole reason
>J> I am trying to learn Rev is to avoid this!
><g> I figured as much...
>J> Delphi can create DLLs.  If it worked on the Mac, I wouldn't be here at
>J> all.  Delphi (Kylix) already runs on Linux...
>Right, but the hard part is creating the *right* DLLs. You have to set
>your linker preferences to allow mixed-case exports, support C
>parameter passing (calling function cleans up the stack), and prevent
>the compiler from adding an underline prefix to exports. Can Delphi
>come up with this combination?

JJJ> I don't think it is all that hard: we create DLLs and use them all 
of the time.  I'm not sure where your concerns arise from, but they are 
not realistic, in my experience.

>J> that allowed one to force small parts of the code to be optimized.  Such
>J> a facility in Rev would be very powerful.  Not trivial, and perhaps not
>J> even possible, but powerful.
>...but... that's the whole point of external libraries in rev...

JJJ> the whole point of having a native code generator is so that one 
NEVER has to write a DLL: just write Rev code and then have it compiled 
by the IDE.  Having external libraries in a cross-platform development 
environment is like having weights tied to a racing horse's foot.  It 
goes against the whole point of cross-platform development in a single 
simple language.  If you want to do it, fine, but if we have to go 
there, I guess I'll just look for some cross-platform image library and 
use that.


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