Load URL doesn't send message

Dave Cragg dcragg at lacscentre.co.uk
Fri Jul 29 07:32:01 EDT 2005

On 29 Jul 2005, at 09:37, Dave Cragg wrote:

> The things that could cause the message not to be sent that I can  
> think of:
> An "unload url" or clearing of  the pendingMessages after the  
> message has been sent but before it is handled. The likely place  
> for this kind of thing would be in the status callback handler.  
> After a succesful load, the final  callback message gets sent just  
> before the "load message", both sent in 0 milliseconds. So if your  
> callback handler does one of these things when the status is  
> "downloaded", the message won't get sent.
> So I'd look at the callback handler first.

Another area to look at in your script would be just after the load  
call. Anything there that might stop background scripts running (a  
runaway repeat or a wait) or that might clear the pendingMessages or  
unload the url could be an issue.


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