Fonts & Unicode

Dar Scott dsc at
Wed Jul 27 12:04:01 EDT 2005

On Jul 26, 2005, at 2:49 PM, Brad Borch wrote:

> 4. If the text pasted in is styled text from a Unicode font, the 
> htmlText reflects this:
> <font face="TITUS Cyberbit Basic" 
> lang="el">αβδφε</font>
> Note the "lang='el'" parameter. The "el" stands for "Ellinas," which 
> is the Greek word for... Greek. Presumably Rev looks at the range the 
> character is in, determines what language it is, and sets this 
> parameter accordingly.

I get confused about what Rev thinks "language" means.  In the unicode 
conversion names it seems to mean encoding scheme.  Since this is 
pseudo-html, this may mean something else, but might mean encoding 
scheme.  The codes are too high for any 8-bit encoding.

One of the things I kept forgetting to do was set the "language" in the 
font property.


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