Burning Transparancy level into an Image
TJ Frame
tjframe at gmail.com
Tue Jul 26 20:48:10 EDT 2005
Thanks Ken, actually I have already tried that code example and it
seems to be functionally equivalent to setting the blendlevel - either
way Rev still treats the image as having transparencey, and is
therefore slow.
The next best thing I have been able to do is to bring the source
image into an inv window, set its blend, then use your handy
exportscreen technique to grab the pixmapID of the inv window and set
the image imagepixmapID of the desired img to it.
Seems to work.. but still seems a bit kludgy
- TJ
PS: The tips on your site have been VERY helpful..
>Message: 7
>Date: Tue, 26 Jul 2005 16:54:33 -0500
>From: Ken Ray <kray at sonsothunder.com>
>Subject: Re: Burning Transparancy level into an Image
>To: Use Revolution List <use-revolution at lists.runrev.com>
>Message-ID: <BF0C1B49.2653A%kray at sonsothunder.com>
>Content-Type: text/plain; charset="US-ASCII"
>On 7/26/05 4:28 PM, "TJ Frame" <tjframe at gmail.com> wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> Anyone know how to "collapse" or "burn in" the alpha channel of an image
>> such that the image no longer has any transparency but looks like it did
>> when it still had the transparency?
>> I'm making an app that manipulates graphics on top of an imported
>> background image and activating the blend of the background image reduces
>> speed greatly vs. having a non blended image underneath.
>> Right now I'm kludging it by bringing the source image into an image
>> control, setting its blend level (either directly through the Alphadata or
>> the Blendlevel), then saving it as a jpeg and reimporting the image back
>> into Rev...
>> I would be grateful if anyone has a more elegant solution by correctly
>> dipping into the Imagedata/Alphadata the first time
>TJ, take a look at the Image tips on my site, specifically:
>Ken Ray
>Sons of Thunder Software
>Web site: http://www.sonsothunder.com/
>Email: kray at sonsothunder.com
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