partial workaround for cross-platform fonts

Michael J. Lew michaell at
Wed Jul 27 01:42:42 EDT 2005

I think that Phil might be onto a good workaround for cross-platform 
fonts. He suggested an image of a fld instead of the fld, and that 
should be perfectly OK for any locked fld. It makes the stack bigger, 
but mostly that doesn't matter.

I've made a button that puts a snapshot over each locked, visible fld 
and keeps a record in order to be able to remove the images as 
needed. It seems to work well on one platform (Mac) but I can't 
conveniently check that the result works on any other. I think it 
should. The script is below. Just put a button onto the first card of 
a stack and put the script into it. A click should overlay the 
appropriate flds with images, and an option-click should remove the 

Two questions:
1. Does it work for others?
2. Can we optimise the script to make it into a generally useful workaround?

At 10:38 PM -0500 26/7/05, Phil Davis wrote:
>  > There's a font with identical metrics on multiple platforms?
>Yep - it's called a snapshot of the screen (or at least of the field).
>:o)  That's what I was referring to as having the same metrics on all
>platforms. I guess I didn't finish connecting the dots in the
>explanation of my proposed solution.

on mouseUp
   if the optionkey is not down then --make images
     repeat with i=1 to the number of cards
       go to card i
       put empty
       repeat with f=1 to the number of flds
         set the cursor to busy
         if the locktext of fld f and the visible of fld f then
           put "Making image of fld " & the short name of fld f & 
return after msg
           put the rect of fld f into trect
           --adjust the rect to make it relative to the stack.\
(I don't know why this is needed, but it is).
           add the left of this stack to item 1 of trect
           add the left of this stack to item 3 of trect
           add the top of this stack to item 2 of trect
           add the top of this stack to item 4 of trect
           --make the image and place it over the fld
           import snapshot from rectangle trect
           set the loc of last image to the loc of fld f
           set the layer of last image to (the layer of fld f)+1
           --keep a record
           set the cFldImagesList of me to \
the cFldImagesList of me & the id of last image & return
         end if
       end repeat
     end repeat
     --delete the images to get back to the flds
     put the cFldImagesList of me into myList
     repeat for each line tid in myList
       set the cursor to busy
       if there is an image id tid then --it might have been manually deleted
         put "Deleting image id " & tid
         delete image id tid
       end if
     end repeat
     put "Done"
     set the cFldImagesList of me to empty
   end if
end mouseUp


Michael J. Lew

Senior Lecturer
Department of Pharmacology
The University of Melbourne
Parkville 3010

Phone +613 8344 8304

New email address: michaell at

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