[WARN] Inserting Any Plugin in the AltPluginToolbar

Eric Chatonet eric.chatonet at sosmartsoftware.com
Mon Jul 25 15:38:11 EDT 2005

Hi Richard and Stephen,

I agree Stephen wishes: a fully interoperability between all tools.
I agree Richard meaningful remarks.
I work with all for that happens...
Just wait a moment...
It's a hard work... which combines specs, psychology and a perceptive  
crystal ball :-)

Best Regards from Paris,

Eric Chatonet.

Le 25 juil. 05 à 19:45, Richard Gaskin a écrit :

> Stephen Barncard wrote:
>> Why not make your plugs compatible with Chipp's Alt Bar, since you  
>> don't have a 'bar' of your own?
> ...
>> There really is no 'architecture'. they're still just plugins.
> Yet they require modification to work there.
> And that would be the case with devolution too, if you wanted them  
> automatically updated.  And with any other toolkit out there which  
> could provide support for other people's tools.
> Interoperability between plugins can be very valuable, but it would  
> be combersome for me to require that others add properties and  
> objects just to work with mine, and then to add similar but  
> differently-named properties to work with Chipp's, and similar but  
> differently-named properties to work with Eric's, and so on with  
> every new toolkit that comes along.
> Could there be a single set of conventions which could be used by  
> all plugin authors to allow interoperability among all toolkits?
> That's the central question of the Rev Interoperability Group:
> <http://groups.yahoo.com/group/revInterop/>
> As announced in Malta last year and explained in greater detail at  
> RevCon West last month, RIP is an open working group for arriving  
> at common solutions for things most of us are doing but had been  
> doing differently from one another.  Everything the group  
> recommends is inherently optional and extensible, so one can adopt  
> them or not to the degree that they want their tools and toolkits  
> to work well with those from other authors and still provide any  
> additional functionality unique to their toolkit with no penalty.
> The first deliverable from the RIP working group is the Edinburgh  
> Core Metadata Initiative (ECMI).  Modelled largely on the popular  
> Dublin Core Metadata Initiative (but with a geographic reference to  
> our friends at RunRev <g>), ECMI provides a set of conventions fort  
> custom properties which support a wide range of common tool and  
> project management tasks, including version control, automated  
> updating, and more.
> Chipp has made contributions to the group, and Eric, Ken, Paul,  
> myself, and others are in the process of updating our tools to use  
> these conventions.
> The initial draft of ECMI is available in the Files section of that  
> group.  Tools for authors to help set up and manage those  
> properties are in development by Eric, Ken, and myself, and should  
> be available before the draft is finalized.
> The group is open to participation by anyone who has an interest in  
> making Rev tools for others.  Feel free to join in the discussion  
> there.
> --
>  Richard Gaskin
>  Managing Editor, revJournal

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