Feeding information to print dialogues with runrev

Bill bill at bluewatermaritime.com
Mon Jul 25 11:54:27 EDT 2005

I couldn't find it in the documentation either. I was hoping someone knew
how to do it as it is beyond my ability. I think it will require a short
call to applescript. Please leave a link to buy your latest e-chapter when
it is finished. I'm looking forward to reading it.

On 7/25/05 11:29 AM, "Dan Shafer" <revdan at danshafer.com> wrote:

> Bill..........
> That tidbit is not in the current draft. I did look into it but as
> far as I can tell, it's not possible to do this. At least if it is,
> documentation for how to do it is definitely buried or missing.
> Dan
> On Jul 25, 2005, at 5:42 AM, Bill wrote:
>> Will your ebook on printing talk about how to feed information
>> (such as
>> number of pages to print) to printing dialogues?
>> On 7/25/05 1:17 AM, "Dan Shafer" <revdan at danshafer.com> wrote:
>>> Not too far off the mark, Timothy, but a little.
>>> When I started my Rev book "series" the idea was that i would simply
>>> "port" my HT book to Rev and be done with it. A number of users on
>>> the list at that time ensured me that if I did that, I'd be doing the
>>> community a huge service. It seemed like a pretty simple undertaking
>>> so I jumped in.
>>> Boy, was I wrong. Not only would a port have been impossible (thanks
>>> in large part to the vastly richer vocabulary and power of Rev) and
>>> unhelpful, it would have been counter-productive. I couldn't bring
>>> myself to do that. So I ended up with a HUGE project and what I felt
>>> was a public commitment to produce it. I dug in and did the best I
>>> could under the circumstances. A lot of folks have kindly said good
>>> things about what I did produce and I'm continuing to add to the
>>> repertoire but it'll never be what's really needed.
>>> As I look back, I think the better course would have been to write an
>>> intro to Rev and Transcript. As it is, my book is ONLY about
>>> Transcript, not really about how to build things in Rev. That's a big
>>> missing piece. I could write it but I just don't know if there's a
>>> market for it. Frankly, total demand for the first volume was
>>> surprisingly small (to me, not to Rev, but then they knew the numbers
>>> and I had to guess).
>>> Maybe what's needed now is a comprehensive dictionary of Transcript
>>> in hypertext form from the perspective of a developer, but I'm not
>>> even sure how to start building something like that and feel pretty
>>> sure I'd end up getting slammed for "regurgitating the docs" if I
>>> did.
>>> I'm just about to release my eBooklet on printing. What other
>>> subjects do people want? Is a thorough overview of the IDE really
>>> needed at this point? I gave one at RevCon West (well, not thorough;
>>> not enough time) but not a lot of people seem interested.
>>> Sorry for the ramble/rant. Just trying to figure out what's most
>>> important to do next, if anything. There are days I think I should
>>> just shut up and go back to coding.
>>> On Jul 24, 2005, at 7:22 PM, Timothy Miller wrote:
>>>> I sometimes wonder why Dan didn't start by writing a comprehensive
>>>> reference. As I think about it, that's probably a no-win
>>>> proposition for an author, because Rev's free onboard documentation
>>>> would be a hard act to follow, even if it's not that good. And as
>>>> soon as Rev improved its onboard documentation, the book would stop
>>>> selling. I'd guess that's Dan's reasoning, but it's only a guess.
>>> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
>>> Dan Shafer, Revolution Consultant and Author
>>> http://www.shafermedia.com
>>> Get my book, "Revolution: Software at the Speed of Thought"
>>>  From http://www.revolutionpros.com, Click "My Stuff"
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