[Slightly OT] Ransomware as a Model for Rev Toolmaking?

Dennis Brown see3d at writeme.com
Tue Jul 19 20:23:03 EDT 2005


We have a whole community of very clever people.  I am sure it could  
be accomplished if we had a will to do it.


On Jul 19, 2005, at 7:06 PM, Jim Bufalini wrote:

> Dennis,
> That is the way I read it, too. It's not for developing full scale
> applications, as it is for developing tools that are important to the
> community. The *profit* is that, while one group of people are  
> financing the
> development of one tool, another group is financing the development of
> another tool. The developers get compensated. The investors pay  
> less each,
> than if they had to fund the whole development individually, and the
> community benefits, including the developers, by having an  
> increased toolset
> of tools that were deemed important enough, that at least a few  
> people voted
> for with their dollars (or euros or whatever).
> However, this is a financial model, and not to be pessimistic, but  
> there is
> more to it than just the idea. You need responsible third parties,  
> maybe
> escrows, signoff criterion (which investorS means committee - always
> tricky), etc. Easier to talk about than do.
> Jim

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