maximizing the stack/card

Jon jbondy at
Wed Jul 13 13:28:07 EDT 2005

>> The engine initializes the windowBoundingRect to be the full size  of 
>> the main display less these trimmings.  The Rev IDE changes it  to 
>> also account for its toolbar, which your app can do also if it  needs 
>> to support a toolbar.

It is a bit amusing that Rev reduces the vertical size of a maximized 
app so that the toolbar can be visible.  The toolbar is obscured almost 
all of the time by the myriad of mis-managed windows when run under 
Windows.  This token effort to keep things looking good is useless. 
Until the messy way that all of the Rev windows are managed, under 
Windows at least, any other ameliorative efforts are worthless.  If Rev 
managed <alt><tab> behavior correctly (the way people switch between 
applications under Windows) then the application could be correctly 
maximized without a problem. At the moment, the fact that Rev 
applications do not function as every other Windows application 
functions can only be viewed as a bug by anyone who uses Windows software.

And of rant.


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