false anti-alarm

Charles Hartman charles.hartman at conncoll.edu
Mon Jul 11 17:32:20 EDT 2005

OK, I've figured out the workaround. Rev will screw up the fonts in  
_substacks_ when the default font of the main stack is changed**,  
UNLESS the substack has a non-empty textFont, not just an effective  
textfont, before you change the default/owner's/stack font in the  
main stack.

The solution is to put into a preOpenStack handler in the MAIN stack  
a line like this:
     set the textfont of stack "My Substack" to the effective  
textfont of stack "My Substack"
(It's possible to do this for multiple substacks by building a list  
of them.)

What a waste of a day.

Charles Hartman

** And I do mean screw up. Here's what Rev whimsically does. When the  
textfont of a main stack is changed -- right at that moment, as far  
as I can tell -- Rev goes through the substack inserting font tags  
that specify the main stack's PREVIOUS textFont. Each tag extends  
from just before the first _style_ change in the field's text, until  
the end of that paragraph (marked by a </p>).

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