Setting fonts [OT..abit]

keith keith at
Wed Jul 6 16:26:15 EDT 2005

Sometime around 6/7/05 (at 14:00 -0500) Chipp Walters said:

>I typically set the textFont property of my stacks to Tahoma. This 
>is the default system font on the PC and works great, especially 
>with ClearType font rendering on WinXP. But, as Jeanne DeVoto 
>mentioned to me, it doesn't come installed on Mac systems. Which is 
>fine, because then it uses the default font: Lucinda Grande.

Well, the slightly less attractively named Lucida Grande, to be precise. <g>

The Lucida family was the result of research into legibility of type 
produced with low-resolution printers in the early 1980s. (One of the 
two designers of the Lucida family also created Apple's Chicago and 
Geneva, the two Mac system fonts from 1984 through to the mid-1990s 
or so.) It is a superb example of resolution-aware modern type design 
borrowing intelligently from type design standards and styles of the 
past few centuries.

More practically for y'all reading this, the standard Windows 2000 
and XP Lucida Sans is a close visual analog to Mac OS X's Lucida 
Grande. But it helps a lot if font smoothing is on on the PC.


+++++++++++++++++   ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
      Keith Martin   Technical Editor, MacUser magazine
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