SpellCheck (re-inventing the wheel)

James Hurley jhurley at infostations.com
Fri Jan 28 10:43:23 EST 2005

>Message: 11
>Date: Fri, 28 Jan 2005 01:14:02 +0000
>From: Alex Tweedly <alex at tweedly.net>
>Subject: Re: SpellCheck (re-inventing the wheel)
>To: How to use Revolution <use-revolution at lists.runrev.com>
>Message-ID: <41F991DA.20403 at tweedly.net>
>Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1; format=flowed
>Then I tried a slightly more complex way:
>  >   put url ("file:" & tFile) into gWords
>>    repeat for each word w in gWords
>>      put 1 into  gArray[w]
>>    end repeat
>and then
>>    put tWords into field "inField"
>>    put 0 into t
>>    repeat for each word w in tWords
>>      add 1 to t
>>      replace "." with empty in w
>>      replace "," with empty in w
>>      replace "!" with empty in w
>>      if gArray[w] <> 1 then
>>        set the textstyle of word t of field "inField" to "bold"
>>      end if
>  >   end repeat
>This took 2 millisecs for 50 words, so would be reasonable for even
>large-ish documents.
>I tried to put this sample stack onto RevOnline - but I'm having some
>problem connecting to the server, so you can find it instead at
>    www.tweedly.net/RunRev/SpellCheck.rev
>    www.tweedly.net/RunRev/allwords.dic
>(remember the dic is 1.75M - don't download it unless you really want it !)
>-- Alex.


Coming from FORTRAN, I have never really appreciated the more 
flexible use of arrays in Runtime Revolution. Your solution to the 
spell check problem is a Runtime revelation.

However a naive question: Since you  only use the gArray, would it be 
possible somehow to store the information in the gArray in a file (I 
don't mean store all the 1's), and use that directly in the repeat 
loop, rather than store the dictionary gWords in a file and then have 
to construct the gArray?


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