Windows settings: volume & front app

curry curry at
Thu Jan 27 10:18:21 EST 2005

To H: I made something to handle MIDI volume--let me dig it out and 
put a demo stack together.

To Sarah: In the same stack, I'll demo a way to let the user change 
the system volume. If you need to read and set it directly, though, I 
believe it'll need an external.



>  > Sarah Reichelt wrote:
>  >> There have been some threads in the  past about these Windows settings
>  >> and I can't find that a good  solution has been found for either of them:
>  >> System volume: is  it possible to read &/or set the system volume in
>  >> Windows  XP?
>Do you mean the playLoudness, Sarah? I am unaware of any built-in command  to
>control the overall volume, but setting the playLoudness will modify the
>volume up to the selected maximum. I think your query is similar to mine about
>independently setting the midi channel volume. If so, it seems we are looking
>to  an external.

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