Read a text file

Andre Garzia soapdog at
Mon Jan 17 21:21:59 EST 2005

On Jan 17, 2005, at 11:36 PM, Alex Tweedly wrote:

> I believe that if there were a complete solution in regex, it would 
> show up pretty high on Google, so I am now, still, of the opinion that 
> the complete csv problem is beyond regex, even though the simpler 
> cases can be done fairly easily.  I'd be delighted if someone could 
> change that opinion.


I did the same... although I was quick to create a simple regex that 
would parse simple CSV, it would fail for many cases, I trying to 
refine the damn thing using lookaheads, negations and all sorts of 
regex juggling but no good, all I've got as a nice "Revolution app 
force quited" message when the PCRE engine decided to that I was to 
dumb for him and went down in flames.

I think it's easier to use normal string routines in transcript and 
build yourself a parser.... damn....


Andre Alves Garzia ð 2004 ð BRAZIL

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