Read a text file

Phil Davis davis.phil at
Mon Jan 17 19:11:03 EST 2005

I'll throw my hat in the ring too.

Things this script assumes:
- there are 3 data values per line
- every value is quoted
- no value has any embedded double-quotes
- value #1 (name) may or may not contain an embedded comma
- labels are in a group whose 'backgroundBehavior' property = true

on mouseUp -- script of a button

   -- get the file
   answer file "Extract info from which file?"
   if it = empty then exit mouseUp
   put url ("file:" & it) into tFile

   -- change all most probable variations of the value separator
   -- to a non-keyboard char
   put numToChar(222) into tDlm
   replace (quote & comma & quote) with tDlm in tFile
   replace (quote & space & comma & quote) with tDlm in tFile
   replace (quote & space & comma & space & quote) with tDlm in tFile
   replace (quote & comma & space & quote) with tDlm in tFile

   -- remove all remaining quotes
   replace quote with "" in tFile

   -- process each line in the file
   set the itemDelimiter to tDlm -- same char as used above
   repeat for each line tLine in tFileText
     put item 1 of tLine into fld "label1"
     put item 2 of tLine into fld "label2"
     put item 3 of tLine into fld "label3"
     create card -- for next line of values
   end repeat
   delete last card -- last card was never loaded with values

   -- now each line is displayed on a separate card
end mouseUp

Phil Davis

Paul Salyers wrote:
> How do I read a text file then insert the information in a label?
> Text file format will be:
> "Name","ID","Email at"
> There will be 3 labels "Name", "ID", and "Email address"
> Paul Salyers
> PS1 - Senior Rep.
> PS1 at
> Http://
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