How does Bugzilla operate

Burrton Wodruff bwoodruf at
Wed Jan 12 10:07:55 EST 2005

Hi Folk,

On Dec 18, 2004 I reported a problem that became bug 2477. I created a 
stack that reliably demonstrated the problem and posted it for 

In Rev 2.2.1 I could create a graphic with a script. The technique 
worked great in both the development environment and in standalones.

In Rev 2.5 the procedure doesn't work.  I rewrote the code so a graphic 
with the proper script is clones rather than created. This revision 
worked great in the development environment and FAILS in the 

Its my understanding, in Rev 2.2.1 scripts longer than 10 lines (rough 
estimate of size) cannot be compiled in a standalone. I had gotten the 
scripts on the newly created graphic real short. Evidently in Rev 2.5 
any script is too long to compile.

Any body got a work around? The only thing I see to do is to figure out 
some way to restructure the task so I'm checking to see if the mouse is 
down within one of the graphics and then trigger the task.

How long does it generally take to get a bugzilla response?

Thanks all for your thoughts,

Burt Woodruff
Ripple Software

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