translation ready, more questions

Ken Ray kray at
Sun Feb 27 11:39:46 EST 2005

On 2/27/05 9:35 AM, "Rob Meijer" <robmeyer at> wrote:

>>> 3. I put return & a textline after last line of a field.
>>>     I delete last  line of that field.
>>>     The line is deleted, not the space between the org. text and that
>>> last line.
>> when you say 'delete last line of fld xxx' there can't be any space left
>> unless you have multiple returns before the last line or the newlast line
>> has spaces only. Or am I missing something?
> Right; but after "Delete last line of field "xxx" " the line disappearesd,
> but not the space between text and place of the deleted line;
> because after a new "put return & textline after field "xxx", the new line
> is positioned under the position of the disappeared line .
> that's why I wrote I want the cursor back behind the org. text.

It sounds to me like you might have an additional trailing return after the
text. The reason I say this is that in my simple test, it works as expected.
Here's what I did:

1) Create a field
2) Put three lines of text into the field (the last line I did *not* hit a
return after; I typed "Ken" <return> "Rob" <return> "Pete"). This gave me:


3) I then opened the message box and typed:

  delete last line of field 1

My field now shows:


4) I then typed into the message box:

  put return & "Joe" after field 1

and my field now shows:


This is what you're looking for, right? If you're not getting this in your
own field, I think there's an extra return character at the end. You can
check it by typing into the message box:

  put (last char of field 1 = return)

If you get "true", you've got an extra return; if you get "false", you

>>>     How to get the cursor behind the last char of the org. text??
>> select after text of fld xxx
>>> 4. is there a way to arrange lines in the scripts with textalignment left
>>>     how to make indents right or left in the script
>> I am not sure I follow what you mean. Script editor uses the left
>> alignment and block indentation automatically. If you refer to the new
>> lines you type, close and reopen the editor.
> I mean I want all textlines left, no automatic block identation.
>  From there I want to do block indentations manually:
> In TB we use for that <Ctrl>+<tab> for indent right of a selected block
> or <Ctrl>+<Shft>+<tab> for indent left. No such way in RunRev?

Sorry, Revolution automatically indents code and you can't easily override
it. (The reason I say "easily" is that the Revolution IDE is written in
Revolution, so when you become proficient you can edit the script of the
Script Editor and change it to your heart's content.)

My question would be though - what is it about Rev's indentation that
doesn't work for you?

Also, BTW, you don't need to close and reopen the script to see your script
indented; you can type the <tab> key while inside a handler and it will
reformat/reindent the handler.


Ken Ray
Sons of Thunder Software
Web site:
Email: kray at

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