Finding text in field

Sarah Reichelt sarahr at
Tue Feb 22 17:42:50 EST 2005

Thank Alex,

I lost some emails a while ago, so this one must have passed me by. 
I'll get Chipp's fix.


On 22/02/2005, at 11:12 PM, Alex Tweedly wrote:

> Sarah Reichelt wrote:
>> I often use the Find & replace dialog to search scripts, but today I 
>> decided to use it to search the contents of fields as well., but it 
>> didn't work. I got the circling arrows and it said "Getting info..." 
>> but that was it. The program hadn't crashed - I was able to turn off 
>> that checkbox and do a search just in the scripts. Searching using 
>> all the other checkboxes worked fine, it just seems to be fields.
>> Could anyone confirm this for me before I bugzilla it.
> Sounds like you hit the problem I did at the end of January - and 
> Chipp gave the answer ....
>> Alex,
>> No Need to fix, tracked it down last night. Turns out there's a 
>> problem
>> with shared group references. It manifests itself in a spinning busy 
>> icon which never stops and no hits seen in the fields below. I've 
>> created a patch stack:
>> go URL ""
>> This stack will patch the revSearch.rev stack so that the group
>> references are set correct. There's also a button to 'revert' to the 
>> old
>> stack, though I'm at a lost why anyone would want to.
> I'm pretty sure he also said it had been Bugzilla'ed - but I didn't 
> keep that email, just this one with the solution.
> -- 
> Alex Tweedly

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