Time Counter
yvescoppe at skynet.be
Tue Feb 22 12:22:38 EST 2005
Le 22-févr.-05, à 13:24, Malte Brill a écrit :
> on mouseUp
> --we need to call the startMyTimer handler fom somewhere
> --this could also be on openCard or openStack
> set the istimer of me to 0
> --reset the timer
> if the flag of me is empty then set the flag of me to -1
> --initialize a flag custom property
> --Using this cProp we can check if the timer is already running...
> set the flag of me to the flag of me*-1
> --change the flag if you click
> --possible values are -1 and 1
> --the first time you click it will set the cProp to 1
> if the flag of me=1 then startMyTimer
> --if the cProp is 1 then call the timer the first time
> end mouseUp
> on startMyTimer
> set the isTimer of me to the isTimer of me+1
> --increase the value of the timer. It will only count
> put the isTimer of me div 60 into myMinutes
> --calculate the number of whole minutes
> if myMinutes<10 then put "0"&myMinutes into myMinutes
> --if it is smaller than 10 then add an additional zero before it
> put the isTimer of me mod 60 into mySeconds
> --what´s left ofer when dividing by 60 is the seconds
> if mySeconds<10 then put "0"&mySeconds into mySeconds
> --add additional zero if necessary
> put myminutes&":"&myseconds
> --put minutes:seconds into msg
> if the flag of me=1 then send startMyTimer to me in 1 second
> --if the flag cProp of the calling object is 1 then call the
> startMyTimer handler again
> --so if you click the button holding the script again the flag will
> be set to -1
> --and the handler wont be called anymore
> end startMyTimer
Hi Malte,
When you clic on the btn to stop the tilmer, the timer returns to "00
01". It should be better if he'd return to "00 00"
Is it possible ?
thank you
yvescoppe at skynet.be
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