CGI access to PostGreSQL

Jan Schenkel janschenkel at
Wed Feb 9 15:04:22 EST 2005

--- Sivakatirswami <katir at> wrote:
> Aloha, Jan:
> Linux box running Red Hat (not sure which version...
> is that critical?)
> version() returns
> 2.6
> Thanks
> Sivakatirswami


You probably need to copy over some libraries then ;
if my memory serves me well it will find the revdb
library and the drivers just fine if they're all in
the same directory as the revolution executable.
Taking a quick peek at the directory on my Windows
machine, I'd say you need the files from the subdir
/components/global environment/database_drivers/linux/
And you'll also need the revdb-Linux and revxml-Linux
library files (according to your other post with
regards to the XML library on Linux).
Hmm, those two library files seem to be missing in my
copy of Rev 2.5 but are there in my copy of Rev 2.2
I have a vague recollection of these being compiled
into the Revolution CGI-engines, but maybe someone
from the RunRev team could elaborate?

Hope this helped,

Jan Schenkel.

Quartam - Tools for Revolution

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