calculating vscroll

FlexibleLearning at FlexibleLearning at
Wed Dec 21 15:15:34 EST 2005

Something like...

set the  scroll of fld n to (the hilitedLines of fld n) * (the lineheight of 
fld  n)?

Although I thought setting the hilitedLines of fld automatically set  the 
scroll to the selected line. Dunno. Not enuf eggnog  yet.


I'm thinking this one probably has an easy answer and I'm  missing it  
for some reason.  Anyone know how to calculate the  vscroll of a field  
based on the hilitedLine of that field?

What  I want to do is highlight/select a line in a field (this part is   
working fine) then scroll the field to that line (this is the part I   
don't know how to do).  Any help would be  appreciated.


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