Debugging and the execution path

Geoff Canyon gcanyon at
Tue Dec 20 10:51:09 EST 2005

On Dec 18, 2005, at 9:18 AM, Mark Wieder wrote:

> I remember the Bad Old Days when we had only a single script
> editing window at a time and I certainly don't want to go back there
> again. Keeping the functions separate does make some sense, though.
> But the scroll button should be documented.

I haven't upset Jacque lately, so I should jump in here and add that  
I long for the "Bad Old Days."

I have enough windows open when an app is running, I don't want a  
plethora of new ones just because I'm debugging.

I want a purpose-built debugging window that shows variables, the  
calling chain, and the currently executing code in a single window  
that will go away when execution ends. Of course, within that window  
I want to be able to click on any handler in the calling chain to be  
able to show that handler with where I currently am in it, but I  
don't want or need to be able to see two handlers at once when  
debugging unless I specifically ask for it.

my 3 cents, fire away

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