Sorting array

David Vaughan dvk at
Tue Dec 20 00:49:51 EST 2005

On 20/12/2005, at 12:27, Brad Borch <brad at> wrote:
>  Flash will be reading what is
> essentially a tab-delimited database.
> First, am I better off dropping text into an array in Rev to edit  
> it, or
> simply sorting and managing the text as a big hunk of text?
> Second, if the array is better, how do I sort the array? (I've already
> built the Rev tool to split the text into the array). I've tried "sort
> gMyEvents numeric by item 1 of each" (after defining the itemDelimiter
> as tab). Is there a simple way to sort an array? Am I missing  
> something?

You could manage a tab-delimited list as suggested but if it is  
otherwise useful to have array access then you need an answer to that  
question, sorting an array.
Answer: You don't; you just access it in sorted order.
Explanation: Take an array flashData
   put the keys of flashData into fKeys
   sort fKeys
   repeat for each line fk in fKeys
     doSomething flashData[fk]

This way you still have your array with direct key access and also  
can iterate through it in sorted order as desired.



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